Friday, September 19, 2008

Productive Product Reviews! Kanebo "Eroica" Aftershave

(This review originally appeared on the Shave My Face Forum. Check it out!)

Well, since I'm over here on the other side of the world from civilized shavers, and I'm a little left out of the fancy-dancy Euro-traditional creams, soaps, and aftershave splash/balm/cremes, I've decided to dip into the local market and see what's available here. And I figured, why not share? Somebody might be slightly interested. Or they might not. Who knows?

So my first try is from a rather big company, Kanebo. They are a huge cosmetics/health/beauty/food manufacturer, with a few products available outside of Japan--but probably not this one. It's not even listed on their corporate website.


When I was at the drugstore looking for a good aftershave, my wife was helping me, reading ingredient lists and making recommendations (I don't read much Japanese.). In the end, however, it all came down to smell. I opened up the greenish-brown glass bottle, my wife's eyes lit up and she said "Grandpa!"
I bought it. Grandpas are rarely wrong.

This is a simple mix.
Ethanol, water, propylene glycol, aminocapronic acid (a coagulating agent--nice touch. and BOY did that one take some translation!) and "fragrance".

On first touch, the alcohol kicks right in. It's a clean feeling, and one I liked. Especially after I mangled my face today; no fear of infection here! And it cleared up the bleeding that my alum bar couldn't--yay aminocapronic acid!

After it dried, it left my face feeling smooth and soft, not too dry, but not at all oily. A good feeling.

But best of all is the smell. It's, well, it's grandpa (and I never even met either of mine!). It's a clean, slightly citrusy, slightly bergamoty, slightly floral smell. It lasts for a while but is by no means overpowering.

This is an older man's line, I assume--they make pomades, and hair tonic, and the like. It's been around since the 60's, and to me that's a good sign. I will definitely be trying other of their products. I just wish they made a cream.

I would imagine, if you are ever in Japan and are looking for an inexpensive, pleasant aftershave (perhaps as a souvenir?) you wouldn't go wrong with this one.

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