Monday, September 22, 2008

Productive Product Reviews: Rohto Mentholatum Medicated Shave

(This review originally appeared on the Shave My Face Forum. Check it out!)

So, for my second review, I decided to go for my current cream, Mentholatum Medicated Shave, from Rohto (another big company!).

With refreshing cool sensation. (According to the website)

In searching for a non-goo-in-a-can, this is the only cream I found on the shelves. I figured what the heck, it's cheap, and I like menthol.

So, first things first, I open up the "Olde Timey" box and take a look. I can't find the ingredients. Hmmmm...Well, what it's too late to go back now.
I open the tube and am overpowered by the smell. Medicated! Menthol! YESS!

My eyes watering, I drop a dollop in my "Japanese Scuttle" (more on that later) and get to work with my pre-soaked (apparently) boar brush. It takes a bit of time, but some weak lather does form. I work a bit, and finally get something like what one might call lather, if one were somewhat myopic and not wearing one's glasses.

So, start to lather my face. I add a touch of water and lather more. I start to notice a prickle. I think "That's just the boar talking."

Then I notice a tingling. "Ahh, here comes the menthol."

I apply my razor, and there's no real tugging or sign of problems with my shave, so I do my WTG pass. And it burns. Oh lordy, how it BURNS.
I wash off the rest of the cream, and look at my poor, glowing red face.

Medicated, my tuchus.

Would I recommend this? Oh, my lands no.
Not for all the Menthol in Kool Country.

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