Saturday, October 4, 2008

I GET it now!

So, I've been at this new shaving thing for a couple of weeks now. I'd heard lots of good stuff about it, and I was enjoying the whole learning and practicing thing, but I'll be perfectly honest...I wasn't enjoying the shaves. It hurt. My face was red and, sometimes, bleeding. I could see some improvement in my technique, but it was still unpleasant. Until this week. I finally learned the secret to a truly comfortable shave.


Mitchell's Woolfat Shaving soap is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
It's so...old fashioned. There's no scent but CLEAN. Someone said it "Smells like my grandparents' bathroom." And that's exactly what it is. It's that old kind of soap made from things like tallow, and lanolin (that's the wool fat) and GOOD.

I tried it, and it was like a revelation. The scales fell from my eyes, and the whiskers fell from my face, and my skin cried unto the heavens "THANK YOU!"

Now, I want to shave every morning. I want to feel that smoothness, and I want my face to look as fresh as it feels.

I love this stuff.


  1. Way to go Jim,

    Sounds like your on your way, the woolfat is quite nice.....If you get a chance try some Institut Karite shave soap of my favorites.


  2. Wool fat rules. Some of the best shaving soap money can buy.



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