Saturday, November 22, 2008


So this whole shaving thing...It's got its dark side. Its dirty little secret.
That secret? Getting stuff.

When I started this, there were people telling me it was cheaper than using a cartridge. It was a way to economise in today's disposable world. All you need is an old, cheap razor, some decent blades, a brush and your choice of soap.
Look at this.

I didn't have room to fit all the blades in...or the sample sizes...

Less than two months, I've been doing this. And I have three more soaps, another razor and a brush on the way. And I just realized I have two pucks of soap and a stick that I left out of this picture! Dear God!

And this is nothing. Compared to some of the guys on the forums, this is kid's stuff, a single weekend's purchasing...

They have a cute little name for it. "Acquisition Disorder". I call it future grounds for divorce. I mean, I KNOW I don't need all this, but I see it, and I want it... And when I get it, I like it so much I want more! My wife, bless her, wants me to be happy so she does nothing to stop me. SHE DOES NOTHING! So, in a way, it's all her fault and I have nothing to feel guilty about, right?


Sooo...Where's that credit card? I need a new brush, I think...


And...A little over a week later, this is what it looks like. Can you spot the changes?

In ONE DAY, I got three packages:


  1. I went through an acquisition disorder period shortly after I returned to DE shaving. I purchased several razors through eBay, the message boards, and a local antique shop. Next I stocked up on several hundred razor blades and bought a few samplers to explore. Finally, I started buying aftershaves. Lately I've calmed down and began to use the supplies I have. One "must have" I'll suggest is the Booster aftershave sampler from It's a bag full of aftershave fun!

  2. I've been down that road with a few other interests. I was never in a position to spend huge money, but I've been known to let the desire to be "all of a set" get the better of me. I now work in the investment industry and have had a lot of exposure to personal finance, which has given me better perspective. I still enjoy, but in moderation.

  3. Thanks for the recommendation, Dexterous, I'll look into that! I've heard good stuff about Boosters, I hope they ship internationally.

    I don't think I've got out of hand, but it is a little frightening how fixated I get on my "next thing" when my current thing is pretty good already.

    I try for moderation, too, Anonymous. Thank goodness my wife holds the purse strings in my house...

    And thanks for reading, guys!

  4. "but it is a little frightening how fixated I get on my "next thing" when my current thing is pretty good already."

    You're not alone. It hit me especially hard when I lived in Tokyo with all its consumer goodness.


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