Friday, November 28, 2008

New Features!

Sooo. There's a couple of new things popping up here. Though I might draw your attention to them...Take a looksee!

First, a little bit down on the ol' left side, is "My Daily Shave." Pretty self explanatory, these are the things that I am using now...I update this daily, and as new things pop up, I'll post reviews or link to past ones. Because, you know, I was getting TONS of email begging to know what I was using to shave with every day. Cause that's just how cool I am.

Second, and perhaps more pathetic, is the "Followers" gadget, aka "People Who Might Like Me." This is a little widget that people can use to add themselves to the teeming hordes of avid readers I have. Like, all three of you ;). Really, though, if you have a Blogger account and if you like what you see here, add yourself. You'll get automatic updates of my posts and stuff on your dashboard, and maybe you'll come back to see me. This also helps me put a face to people who take the time to read my blog, so I can know who I'm writing for.

So go ahead and add yourself; you can be anonymous if you want, but it makes me feel good.

Like I said, pathetic...


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