Friday, December 19, 2008

Best Stay Away, It's Catching...

I caught this shaving disease from some random comment (NOT EVEN A POST!) on John Scalzi's blog Whatever, and it has rapidly taken control of my central nervous system. Now, my poor poor friend in Scotland has become infected with the same dread plague....Be careful, for you may be next.

Apart from the acquisitiveness, apart from the obsession with shaving that leads me to try it twice a day, apart from the almost insane amount of attention I am paying to my skin these days, it is the intense progression of the disease that frightens me. Me, who until very recently spent 4 minutes a day with a buzzing electric beast against my face, am now taking twenty minutes with a brush, soap and mind-numbingly sharp blade to scrape away my whiskers...and just now, JUST NOW, I found myself reading a guide to straight razor shaving.

STRAIGHT RAZORS!!!! Folding KNIVES that you drag across your skin! By all that is holy, what has happened to me? And how did this new thing come to me, this new symptom of the shaving measles?

By reading the Goddamned Internet...just like YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW!!!

So, does anyone have a half-hollow solingen and a strop they'd like to sell me?


  1. DUDE!!! Stay away from the straights!!! For the love of all that is good!!!

  2. Too late, two are on their way!

  3. Hey Jim,

    it really looks like your warning about this contagious shaving disease was a little too late for me. After yours E-Mails I did some more research and finally I got my first straight razor right after christmas last year. The second one already arrived. Testing of different products still continues and my technique is still getting better :)

    Greetings from Germany,


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