Friday, December 26, 2008

Fools Rush in...

something something something...

I have jumped into the straight razor pool with both feet.

That's not a pretty image, is it?

I started out simple. I picked up a Double Arrow off of eBay. $9.50+$4 shipping to Japan. Not shave ready, but not a huge investment, so I could afford to tinker with learning to hone.

Of course, to learn to hone, I need a shave ready monster to give me an idea of what to aim for. Soooo...I picked up a shave ready vintage Kropp off of B&B.

And, of course, I need a strop, so I picked up a cheap one from a guy on SRP.

And Now I'm looking for hones, a pasted paddle strop, and a book on care and feeding of straight razors....and I've never even touched one yet! I wonder what's next?

The fuse is lit, kids, and I feel like Slim Pickens at the end of Dr. Strangelove... I plan to ride this baby to the bottom!
Yeee HAAAWW!!!!

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