Tuesday, December 23, 2008

L'Ultima Setola...

So, I've been working on getting a custom Boar brush made up. Why, you ask? Because they told me I COULDN'T!!!

L'Ultima Setola will be the culmination of all of man's hopes and dreams, from the earliest days of recorded history, mankind has dreamt of a quality boar knot in a quality, custom handle.

I have made it my goal to see this dream come to life.

I have made the first step. Due to a generous donation from a member at The Shave Den forum, I got an Omega brush and removed the knot.

This is an Omega 10048, I believe.

Here's the removed knot.

It's set in plastic...we'll see if that needs to be removed.

The next step is to get it off to Rodd, of knotty badger fame, to get the custom handle turned and the knot reset.

And then, Valhalla AND Nirvana will be within reach!
Hail the might boar!!!

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