Tuesday, January 6, 2009

(Insert Smoking Pun Here)

Well...I've finally tried Tabac. And about time.

I've had a Tabac stick for a couple of months now. For some reason, I never tried it--I've had a lot of other soaps and such, I guess, but it is odd. Tabac is loved by many--the scent is a bit controversial, but the lather is almost uniformly praised. And I finally found out why.

Man, this was a good shave. A DAMN good shave...smooth and comfortable and easy. It lathered quickly and shaving was like wiping away the whiskers with my Futur. Great. Just great. And for me, the scent was like nostalgia personified. For some reason, it smelled like my dad--though I would bet a pretty penny he never even saw any Tabac product.

Well, it is now setting pretty in my rotation, and I'm glad I've got a refill on the way!


In other news, I tried my first pass with a straight. I tried my Double Arrow and my Kropp. I shaved one cheek each, and wonder of wonders--I lost nothing! No blood, no flesh, and no dignity.

The kropp glided fairly smoothly, though it seemed to adhere to my skin, sticking in the lather a bit. I think my angle was too acute.

The DA was rough--it scraped and tugged, but it did shave a bit. So it has something of an edge, but it isn't shave ready. Soon, I'll get some hones and see about getting it up there.

I'm in the game!

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