Monday, March 9, 2009

I believe the word is CRAPTACULAR.

Oy, what a week I've had.

Between car crashes, unrelated trips to the hospital, hauling tons of books up and down stairs, caring for sick family and working overtime at work, things have been a weeeee bit unpleasant around the house.

So this week's shaves took a backseat to just getting the hell out of bed--quick and dirty. I did get a good week of shaves out of the Futur loaded with a 7 O'Clock PermaSharp, using MWF and Tabac I can't complain. But yeah, nothing magical or blogworthy.

I'm hoping to change that this week...I've got some Irisch Moos shave soap coming, and I'm working on some honing challenges with my straights, and I'm developing a WHOLE NEW ACQUISITION DISORDER!!!! So, let's get back to business, and enjoy us some shaves.


  1. I hope you are OK Jim. Sometimes life throws us some curves and you just have to go with the pitch.

  2. Thanks mate. Things are evening out...finally. It doesn't hurt that I just found out the overtime I (foolishly, I had thought) decided to do is paying not $40 an hour like I thought, but $45...I am willing to put up with a LOT of crap for an extra $600 this month.

    Yep. A lot.


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