Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ciao, BI

Well...one of the big ones has said goodbye to the world of wetshaving.

When I first started wetshaving, one of the first purchases I made was a box from Giovanni Abrate at Barbieria Italiana. Giovanni had arguably the widest selection of wetshaving goods on the net, not to mention imported toiletries and custom soaps and creams. He was the North American Flagship vendor for Omega brushes--a great range of stuff there. He also introduced Boreal brushes to the US market, and was a great supplier for the Boar Brotherhood. He had blades other vendors had never HEARD of, and his line of cottage soaps and creams are considered by many to be benchmarks among smaller vendor products. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and recent health problems, it appears that Mr. Abrate has decided to suspend Barbiere Italiana indefinitely.

I'm sorry to hear it, but I can see that life happens and sometimes, important sacrifices must be made. I can say that, in the few interactions I had with Mr. Abrate, he was a true gentleman and an amazing source of information about shaving and shaving products. His service was old school in the best sense--personal, and engaged. It is unfortunate that the net-market doesn't really tolerate that kind of service; people are too impatient, and too distant, to engage at that level. A sad state of affairs.

The message board at BI is still running, and the catalogue of the store is still up so you can poke around and see what you're missing. The good news is that the product hole left by the loss of BI is quickly being filled by a new online vendor, Shoebox Shaveshop. Many of the products which had been BI exclusives are now available there--not surprising, as the owner was an avid customer of Mr. Abrate's, and a constant poster on the message board. So the loss is not total, though it is profound.

Thanks, Giovanni, and be well.


  1. Giovanni's contributions to making this the "Golden Age" of wet-shaving are huge.

    His willingness to share his knowledge, his cheerful bon-homie,
    old world charm and gentlemanly manners made the Barberia Italiana
    more than a store, it was an experience and a really pleasant experience at that.

    I'm so glad that I got to
    be a customer of many almost impossible to find world-class products.

    The shaver's who weren't customer's will never know what they missed out on.

    Those of us, lucky enough to have been "In On It", will never forget this most memborable of gentlemen and his incredible, wonderful shave shop.

    Am really looking forward to Giovanni now having more time to
    "post up" at the web's friendliest
    shaving message board: RazorAndBrush.Com

  2. I also am going to miss Barbieria Italiana and Gio. It was a great store. I'm glad that ShoeboxShaveshop.com has taken over some of the product lines that would otherwise be unavailable in the US.

  3. Gentlemen, thanks for reading.

    Gary, I totall agree about the experience of dealing wiht Giovanni. It was a pleasure. I hope that his successor (ahem ahem...) has more success with balancing life and the shop.

    Liesureguy, I'm quite happy you dropped by! Your book actually started me on this whole thing...your book, SMF and Mantic's videos. Thank you!

    I agree about the great luck we have in the new Shoebox Shave Shop taking over some of those very special lines. I'm looking forward to purchasing!


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