Thursday, April 2, 2009

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back...

I was getting good shaves with straights. I was. Then, blade deterioration and futzing about with things started the decline of my shaves, and so I decided to take a break. And got some absolutely brilliant shaves...

I took a break from straights because my face was getting sad. Between experiments with the scaleless DA, and some trouble with my barber hone scratching up some blades, I wasn't really getting what you'd call "good" shaves, and I missed the occasional bout of faceturbation I had been getting before. That, couple with some surge in board interest in single edge shaving, pushed me to break out my Feather New Hi-Stainless SE blades.

I loaded up my GEM Contour II and, not having used a safety razor, ESPECIALLY one with a Feather blade, in some time, began my shave rather nervously. However, less than 15 minutes later, I had a bright shiny BBS face with no blood, no tears and no stropping.

Oh dear.

I repeated the process, which admittedly might have been helped by the FANTASTIC D.R. Harris Marlborough soap I just picked up, 5 times this week, with similar results each time. It has been an experience which certainly made me question my commitment to this whole straight razor endeavor. Then I remembered that these blades cost almost 50 cents each, can only be bought in boxes of 100, and are probably not going to be in production much longer, and thought that maybe a bit of stropping might not be so bad, after all..

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