Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Again, Generosity Rains Down...

You know, if I keep posting about the great stuff that happens to me, some people might think I'm boasting....Screw 'em.

So a member of a couple of the forums I post on messaged me with some questions about hones a while back. I did my best to answer him, though I am no expert, and gave him all the information I had gathered in my own research into this subject. We went back and forth for a while, exchanging emails and sharing info, and I think he felt satisfied with what I had to share. I hope so, anyway.

Well, a couple of weeks or so ago, I got another message, saying something like "I'm sending you a present because I want to. Keep an eye out for a package..."

Now, we all like presents, so of course I was excited...I didn't feel I deserved anything but then, who ever does?

Well...last weekend I got a package. I very excited opened. What did I find?





Amazing. I've not had the opportunity to shake this man's hand, or even see his face! But when I do, it will be a hand well shook, let me tell you.

It's odd for a man who doesn't believe in God to use this word, but sometimes I feel really blessed...

Anyway...yeah. Someone (He knows who he is, and if he reads this THANK YOU!!!) GAVE me Penhaligon's English Fern SHaving Soap in a wood bowl. I'm still in shock...


  1. It restores ones faith in humanity (sriously...not trying to be snarky).
    Enjoy it Jim.

  2. Thanks, my friend. I have indeed been seeing the best in people. It's humbling, in a weird way.

  3. You are a lucky man Jim!

    Please give us a report, the-whole-nine-yards, on the Irish Fern.
    Fragrance, ease of shave, etc. Does your wife like it? All those things.
    We eagerly await.


  4. Thanks, Luxlover, I am indeed a lucky man.
    My wife seems to like the scent well enough, but she's not a big scent fan in general...she says everything I have smells like her grandpa--which is not a bad thing.

    As for the shave and whatnot, I believe I already wrote about that...

  5. Hi Jim. I know you had already received a puck of the EF, but now you've got the beautiful bowl to go with it, and you've got a backup. I've been wondering, and maybe you've already posted about it, but how's the big beautiful custom brush coming along?

  6. Hey Brothers, how's it going? Thanks for reading!

    Yes, I am well blessed with English Fern, and boy am I happy. It is a wonderful soap!

    The custom brush--do you mean Betty the Beautiful Boar? She had to be sent back for refinishing--there was some "peeling"--but she just came back today and got me all lathered up with no trouble! A lovely brush, indeed.


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