Monday, June 8, 2009

SCHICK INTERVIEW: Taking Questions.

Hello guys. Some of you might have noticed a brief communication from Ken Hill at Schick Japan on one of my comment threads. I removed the comment for privacy reasons, but we've been in contact a bit and he's very kindly agreed to answer some questions.

Ken Hill is the an executive with the Asian arm of the Energizer/Schick empire, and he seems to have taken an interest in me ol' blog here. So, in my presumption, I asked if it would be ok if I (we) interviewd him a bit. He said OK, rather nicely, but of course he'd have to use some discretion on some topics.

So, if there's anything you'd like to ask a big mucky-muck form one of the big Shaving companies, now's the time! I would ask, PLEASE keep it respectful (of course!) and no anti-goo in a can rants (as right as they might be :) ).

Please post questions or comments for Ken in the comment section!



  1. Great opportunity!

    Let's see, off the top of my head, I wonder how long Energizer plans to support some of the "orphan" shaving systems for which they no longer produce new handles. The Injector most obviously, but I also like the Xtreme 3 and notice that chain stores such as Target no longer stock refills. Many people like the FX, also. Is there a timetable for phasing out replacements or is it just up to the market?

  2. I'd like to know if Schick/Energizer would consider selling a traditional style shave soap or lathering cream (the kind used with a shaving brush). I completely understand how the vast majority of shavers prefer cartridges to DE or straight razors, since they work well for most and are the easiest to use. However, I feel the extra minute spend to make a shave lather rather than using a canned foam makes for a noticeably better shave than using canned gels/foams. A little modern packaging and/or advertising would make this a big attraction to a young crowd, unlike the couple of shave soaps you can still purchase in US stores.

  3. There's very little chance of this happening, but I would ask if they might consider making injector razors again. At least, they must continue to produce the injector blades. I don't know if it's the razor or the blades or both, but my best shaves tend to come from the Schick injector with Schick brand blades.

  4. I would like to hear Schick's reaction to P&G/Gillette's acquisition of Art Of Shaving.

  5. Way to go Jim!

    I would first inform Mr. Hill that all of the Wilkinson blades currently made are universally on the internet considered inferior to the ones formerly made in the UK. In fact the UK Wilks are prized, while the current Wilks are scorned. Schick should be told that.

    I would ask him if Schick has any plans to sell any traditional products in the US, rather than requiring us to shop on the internet with foreigners.

  6. Hello, I would also like to ask about the previously mentioned re manufacture of the popular Injector razor. I believe that there is still quite a market out there for this type of razor and would very much like to see it produced again.

    Thank you

  7. I would like to know if any of their DE products are even available in the U.S. market anymore.

    The "krona" is one of my favorite shavers. I understand the DE market is going strong elsewhere. Any thoughts/plans for the U.S.

    There has been a lot of interest in the last few years.

  8. I would like to know Ken's position on the advantages of multi-blade shaving vs. single-blade shaving, because both Schick and Gillette have gone that route, and I'm curious as to the reason for or logic behind that decision.

  9. We're getting some great questions here guys. I'll wait till tomorrow morning and then select a few and send them on.

    Thanks for your input guys!


  10. OK! I'll close this off, and put together a list of questions for Ken. I'm not sure how it'll work , but keep an eye out for the finish...




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