Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dazed and confused...

I just don't know what to think about these shaves...

So, this Genco/Florena week is really giving me pause. As I mentioned last time, I rehoned this razor a bit to get her back to cutting shape, and if you've been watching the Daily Shaves, you'll notice a pattern emerging. Day after day, great shaves. Not perfect, but great. The kind of shaves that, if they remained consistent, could very well lead to total fidelity.

But I DON'T KNOW WHY. The razor is not sharp enough. I know that. The first pass in each shave is actually quite tuggy...nearly uncomfortable on the upper lip/chin area. The second pass is better, but not as close as I'd like it. And my touch up passes leave me just totally freaking smooth. And every day, I get a bit smoother, and a bit more aggressive...and I have NO IRRITATION.

NONE. Not a single moment of wince, no sting when I throw on the warm water or my AS (not even with a splash, like I tried the other day without telling. Shhh.). Nothing. After each shave, my face feels like it never touched a blade. And what's more, there's not been a speck of blood in days. Days. That's a true first for me--even a good shave has the occasional weeper, but this week? NOTHING.

I mean...are these actually perfect shaves? The actual process isn't perfect, no, but afterward...I haven't quite hit 100% BBS, but I get closer every day. And every day, I push the envelop a little more on how aggressive I am with the blade--more blade buffing, more water-pass time, and more angles of attack. I can't figure out if this is going to end with me getting pure BBS shaves, or taking half my chin off...

So here's the thing. Should I try to rehone a bit? Try to bring that keenness up and balance it with the smoothness more (something I have no idea how to do) or should I just accept the brief discomfort of the first pass as payment for the sweet aftermath?

So weird...but so nice!


  1. Give it the full treatment. Make it exceedingly sharp. Use a light touch when shaving. See if it stays as comfortable. If not dull it slightly.

    Steve from NJ (Luxlover)

  2. Will Do, Steve! You're right about the "light touch"...see my latest post!

    Thanks for reading, as always!



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