Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Esta Indecisión Me Molesta

The pain of's terrible!

My birthday is coming up, and my wife told me I could choose my present--and of course I've decided on a razor!

But which one? I've been looking at so many...I've settled on a few options, but I'm not sure what to buy...Care to offer some advice?

First up, we have some true greats--the Wacker razors, new production from Solignen Germany.

The 7/8 "Old Sheffield":

Big and well suited to my tastes.

Then this pair--both 6/8, one full hollow, one 1/4 hollow...

I prefer bigger blades, but these are pretty cool.

And this GORGEOUS (but expensive) beauty, the 7/8 "Jugendstil" (German for Arte Nouveau):

Truly beautiful, but almost too much so...with that gold worked spine, and the long cut blade, the thumb notch..but it would stretch the budget, or rather my wife's patience.

Then there are some more inexpensive options.

From Revisor, this 6/8 shoulderless thumbnotched blade with a worked spine and elegant scales:

And this version, without the worked spine (and $50 cheaper):

And of course, the last one. A lot of people on SRP recommend this one, the Thiers Issard Le Grelot, a "biggish" 6/8 wedge grind, with a thumb notch and simple lines.

It's simple, and elegant, and it has a reputation for great shaves.

I actually could swing TWO of the latter three razors for the price of one of the Wackers. But the Wackers are bigger, which I do like. Oh, what torture!
What do you think?


  1. Le Grelot or Revisor.

    As you said, understated and elegant. Then again it's your birthday, so go all gold if you desire.

    I wouldn't changed a thing about the Solingen scales other than it actually saying "Solingeng" on it. I wonder if one could get that same scale minus the branding?

  2. Yeah, that is a good point...Unfortunately they don't have those scales without the Solingen. Oh well, they kind of like their history there in Germany.

    I'm actually thinking of getting both the Le Grelot and the Revisor with the black scales...AND a Revisor loom strop. Wacker haven't answered my emails this week, so the point might very well be moot.


  3. I would say Le Grelot. I have both the 3/4-full hollow and the 1/4 grind, and both are fantastic shavers.
    Since you like bigger/heavier blades I would say get the 1/4 grind. had them with black and white scales so you could get a set of them. Also I think the blades are available in satin and semi-polished finishes now.So you could get a set of 4 :-)

    Also I am learning to steer away from any blades with goldwash as it's so delicate.

  4. Good points Bong. Well, the Revisor is on its way, so we'll see how it goes. However, your arguments are persuasive. When Martin reopens Rasorpur in a few days, perhaps I'll drop him a line...

    Oh dear. I need to thin the herd a bit, I think.


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