Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fingers Crossed!

Well, as referenced in this post, my barber has promised me a nice big Nakayama if I can hone three razors to his satisfaction. I have four razors I think might be contenders...So I'm off to the barber shop today to see how it goes!

Just for your information, the razors are these:

A Torrey "Our 136", rehoned to a nice, smooth edge...

This ABC, which I just figured out...

A nice big Herder that had some rough beginnings, but is a great shaver now...

And my good old Genco. This one's been through it, but it's remained one of my best shavers.

So let's hope at least ONE of these is good enough for him, so I have a better idea of what to hope for!

I'll let you know...


Well, it went better than I had expected, but not as good as I secretly hoped. Of course, I knew that the chances of me coming home with the hone today were slim, but there was this tiny, selfish part of me thinking "Yeah, man, you scored it!!". I didn't, of course...

The ABC passed. He took one look at it, smoothed the edge against his arm, and said "Good!". So...YAY!

The other three weren't so hot. The Genco was unfinised at the toe and heel, the Herder had an uneven bevel, and the Torrey was all over the place. And he was right on all counts, of course, now that I look more closely. The crazy thing is, he totally chose the best shaver by LOOKING AT THE BEVEL. It makes sense, actually...if you can see that the edge is evenly polished, with a straight bevel and no random bits undone, you can see that the strokes were even and regular, and that the edge is probably ok. A little touch will tell you if the edge is keen, and with 40+ years of experience, that's enough.

He even told me exactly what I was doing wrong. I had the hone at the wrong height, causing my arms to move in parabolas instead of even, flat strokes. And yeah, he was totally right...Amazing. And helpful.

I'm greatly encouraged. Especially as I got home, took to the Genco, and polished it evenly across the bevel. The test shave tonight? Bang on, baby!!!!

I think I might have another one!

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