Monday, September 14, 2009

Whew...What a week. (And a Soap Review in There somewhere...)

Well now, it's been a full one again. I thought things were settling down, but I was wrong. But I managed to fit in some smooth shaves...

The strop shop is open, but no one's bought anything yet. I do keep getting questions about stuff I don't have, though. So...there's SOMETHING going on! I've got some new things in development as well, so hopefully again this week I'll have another big announcement. And of course, I'm busy trying to keep my shaves going right, so...So Time has not been on my side, but it's good to be busy I think. Isn't it?



I've had some good times on the hones.

I have an "F. Herder Abr. Sohn" blade--it's a big, swooping blade with lines that strike me as just right. It's not the prettiest, but it's certainly not bad off. It cleaned up nicely and, most importantly, it honed up EASY. Zip zip, up the ladder, and BOOM! A sharp, smooth's enough to make me realize that people MEAN it when they say that Solingen blades are good ones. Man, I love it when a plan comes together.


And in other news, I've been trying some new soap, Pre de Provence, from France.

I'll admit, the first two shaves I had with it did not go well. I ended up with terrible irritation--a bright red, speckled face. It lasted for a couple of days...And I was worried it was the soap. I gave myself a few days of Mitchell's Wool Fat to heal up (always a good idea when your face is feeling rough) and last night I gave the PdP another go.

It was great! A very thick, creamy lather with nice cushion. It wasn't quite as slick as it could have been, there was some drag on the razor, but it went well. And afterward my skin felt quite nice. MWF is still my best as far as skin care goes, but this one is pretty good.

The scent is...not my favorite. It's kind of reminds me of this scented candle my mother used to burn when I was a kid, one that burned my nose. But it's not that bad, just not one of the mellow, pleasant scents I prefer.

Sooo..How's it going on your side?


  1. Good to hear the Pre de Provence worked out for you. It gave me a red rash as well, but I also bought some Pre body soap, and that made my whole body red. Anything with Shea butter is my mortal enemy !!!

    I will have to wait maybe a month before I can spring for a strop, I'm stuck in the middle of no where, and they want a ridiculous amount for a Yen money order... Oh well, I'll figure it out next time I'm in the city.

  2. Hey Alex,
    I was worried about Shea butter myself, but apparently it's not so bad?

    As for the strop, mate, no worries no hurries! They'll still be here.

    Oh, and btw, the Lucido DOES have parabens. Maybe parabens make it good!



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