Friday, October 23, 2009

You Can't Unsee It!

And here you ugly mug for all to see.

So I finally caved to my millions of rabid fans, begging for a glimpse of my chiseled features (can you chisel marshmallows?), and here it is: my first shave video.

That's me shaving with a Japanese razor, or kamisori. I'm not sure who the maker is, it is one of those I got from my barber a while back. It was made in 1968 (says so right on it!) and was a size two--but years of use have worn it down a bit.

I do try to keep the flat side, the omote, against my face as I was taught to do my my barber. This leads to some unusual grips and angles, but it works, and like I said: it's about discipline. You know, people tell me that it's entirely possible to shave with both sides, and it's not that I don't believe them, I just have to ask...Why? Why would you bother to pay all that money, and get this razor with centuries of tradition, and then totally ignore that tradition? What's the point? I guess I just don't get it...

Well, anyway, it's your face and your what works for you!

The lather is Penhaligon's English Fern, worked up with a Semogue 1305 boar brush (thanks Bruno!).

The shave went well, it was BBS and comfortable...there has been some question of my stroke--that little, fast stroke. I'm not exactly sure why I do it, but it somehow feels more controlled, more precise. It works for me...

Well, I hope you recover from the shock soon...

1 comment:

  1. Great video! Very interesting (even if I'm not a straight razor guy); I really enjoy your posts - how you're refining your techniques plus I really like the ancillary posts as well - about creams, soaps, etc.


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