Friday, November 6, 2009


Been a heck of a week.

Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and I think I got a fairly complete set this week--good and bad, big and small. And so the ol' shaving thing got set on the sidelines for a bit. So much so, in fact, that I found myself TOO TIRED to shave at night (like I ususally do), and then rushed around in the morning and had to go for a couple of one pass, no touchup, BRUSHLESS shaves. Of course, those were one-pass no touchup brushless shaves with a Filarmonica "Especial Para Barbas Duras" and T&H 1805 cream, so they actually went pretty well.

However, the shattering of my routine only added to my stress, and interfered with me being able to cope with what I was already having trouble getting past, and a nasty vicious cycle began.

But last night, I was able to take some time and get back into the groove--back to the hones, back to the nice, leisurely night shave, and know, it never ceases to amaze me how truly therapeutic this stuff has become to me, and how dependent I have grown upon those few minutes of just focusing on me and the blade. I felt like a new man last night, and today was a whole lot better than yesterday.

When I need to recenter and get my head clean of the nasties, nothing works like a session on the hones, and a good old fashioned shave.

So, sorry I neglected my poor blog here, and I promise I'll get back on the job (though not for too long--Next month is back to my mom's house, and I don't expect a lot of blogging to be done...but you never know.)

Thanks for listening.


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