Monday, December 7, 2009

Whittling down

I'm getting rid of stuff at a crazy pace...

So to pay for 1.) my recent Tamahagane purchase and 2.) my upcoming trip to the States and the connected shopping spree I'm planning, I need money. I've gotten rid of some things that I thought I never would, but that on retrospect I decided I didn't actually need--like my Especial Para Barbas Duras--in the hopes of breaking even and maybe coming out far ahead enough to cover some hones. Funny thing it, it's not as hard as I had thought. I've pretty much broken even and I have some good stuff coming in, for less money, and yeah...simplify? Maybe?

But at the same time, the whole local hone thing has set off some real stuff with me. Some new leads, some new connections and friendships, and some new ventures. So there might be NON-MATERIAL developments in my shaving life, which will be new; the acquisition brings its pleasures, but also its own, spiritual, familial. It's also a good way to teach myself some discipline, and being a little more reflective about what I need and don't need.

So...that's where I'm at. What I'm doing. I'm not cutting out new stuff, not at all. But rethinking what I DO get, and why.

Meaning stones, of course.


  1. Hi, i would like to know where are you selling your razors like the Barbas Duras, i´m very interested in knowing! thank you and Felices Fiestas!

  2. Hi Andre,

    Thanks for reading, and for your comment! I'm sorry, the Barbas Duras sold some time ago in a private deal. I won't be selling any more razors for a bit, sorry about that!



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