Monday, January 18, 2010


Nothing like it, a great shave off of a great blade that you honed yourself.

It took me a long time to get the Tamahagane Iwasaki straight honed to my satisfaction. It could be the hardness of the steel, or the initial condition, or my own pickiness on this particular blade, but I just couldn't get it done.

But last night, after my umpteenth round on my Japanese naturals (the only stones that will touch this razor, silly as it sounds), I tried the shave and it. was. superlative. Smooth as silk, and soooo sharp. Just what it should have been...and the true test, it was a 24 hour shave (meaning I didn't feel like I needed a shave when it came time to shave again. A rarity for me, indeed.).

A lovely feeling...


  1. I can only hope to own this masterpiece one day Jim!

  2. Lovely work Jim!.

    I don't think I will ever lucky enough to own one of them.
    I can only ask you to care a lot after it, perhaps I may own it in my next life. ;)




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