Wednesday, February 3, 2010

At the Bottom of the World...

Dunno why, but I am in a Tom Waits frame of mind...

Things go up, things go down, the center cannot hold. But hey...I can still shave.

This week has been fairly meh all around. I've not really gotten anything of meaning done except some translation... The barber's manual (which is what it really is) by Kousuke Iwasaki is just so amazing. I have written to Ryuichi Mizuochi-san (my first Japanese letter! Go me!) to see if he thinks it would be ok to post it to the net. I'm not sure what kind of answer I'll get...if I get an answer, I'll probably be too giddy to read it, anyway. He's kind of a personal hero...odd, I know, but there you go. If you're looking for normal, you're in the wrong old place...come to think, that's actually pretty meaningful.

Go me!


I've been working on some more handlewrapping...this time for a customer in Asia minor!

It turns out he isn't fond of the bare end, but I didn't find out till after I sent the razor. D'oh! Sorry about that. But I still think the handle looks ok...

By the way, I've still got two Iwasaki razors left. Get 'em while they're hot!


There's also a new shaving forum out there: Shaveready. It's owned and hosted by Olivia, of Olivia's Seife fame, and it's looking ok so far. A good time to get in on the ground floor, if that's what you're in to. I can recommend it, though, it's a welcoming forum with a good start towards being a warm, happy place to hang out and talk about all things straight shaving related.

I'll be there, posting my nonsense and trying not to attract too much of the wrong kind of attention. Give it a look!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I have a site focusing on shaving too. I think we could both benefit by linking to each other. Go to and leave me a comment if you are interested.


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