Sunday, June 13, 2010

Look Up!

I've got a new project...

If you look up above this post, just under the blog title, you'll see a new little linky thing, labeled "Japanese Hone Vocabulary". If you click it, that's just what you'll see!

I'm working on a comprehensive, illustrated vocabulary of words associated with these hones. There's a lot to get through, and I'm not sure of a lot of it, but I hope that when I'm done (if ever), it'll be a very useful resource.

Take a look, though it's still in the early stages, and see what you think. If you have any suggestions, requests or arguments, let me know! And if you'd like to contribute, feel free to email me. I may not take your suggestions, but I'd be happy to hear them!

So take a look!


  1. This is great Jim! A big help to many, I'm sure. Thanks a lot! I'll mail you some of my notes.

  2. Awesome stuff Jim I have learned so much and am sure many others have and will too. I knew you weren't even close to reaching a plateau with this kinda knowledge to share can't wait to see more and maybe one day be knowledgeable enough to contribute ^_^


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