Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Maruo Stones

I just got a nice package from Western Kyoto Prefecture...wanna see what's inside?

This is actually my second order from Tsuchihashi-san, the 3rd generation owner of Totoriya and miner in the Oouchi district of Kyoto. His stones are fresh honed, from the Honkuchi Naori AND the Aishi Naori. What that means is, there are a LOT of stones, and you have a wide range of options when you go to buy. The stones are not as hard as the Eastern Stones (Nakayama, Shoubudani, etc.) but very fine, and they are beautiful.

The Yellow stone is an Ippon Matsu (lone pine--the mine name) Kiita (yellow board) Nashiji (pearskin) hone. It's got a lovely pale yellow color, and I frankly don't care how well it hones--it's just gorgeous. The smaller hone is a Maruo-yama Kiiro (yellow colored) Suita. It's not VERY yellow...but hey, what do I know?

As you can see, the Yellow Suita is not very big, but it's well within barber hone size, and so fine for razor use. And it's got a lovely yellow tint in the asagi...

Here's a closeup of the Nashiji on the Ipponmatsu Kiita. See how it looks...pear-ish? That's nashiji.

I ordered the Ippon Matsu because of the look of them. They've been showing up more frequently lately on the site, but they sell as soon as they're posted--they're just so lovely to look at, and they are apparently solid hones as well. I can't wait to try it out...

I've used Maruoyama hones before. I have three small ones I got to try out...

They're the stamped ones at the top. From Left to Right that's a "Tenjou (heavenly) Tomae Uguisu (Nightingale)", a Gousa/Aisa, and a Shiro Suita Sunashi.

I found that the Maruo Suita and Tomae were kind of soft for razors, but outstanding for other edges. The Gousa was a good one for raozrs, too, but not quite to the level of the Nakayama hones I've tried.

Good, but not outstanding.

But I love supporting Tsuchihashi-san, he's a lovely gentleman and very helpful (he runs classes for Kyoto tourists, teaching them about the history of Kyoto stones and giving sharpening classes) and the stones are such beautiful objects...I can't help myself!


  1. One of these days, I hope to own some of his stones. Unfortunately, it won't be until after my wife and I find new jobs. (They say the economy is improving?)


  2. How does the Ippon Matsu Kiita with Nashiji perform.
    The reason I ask is I know of one for sale but it doesn’t have nashiji.

  3. Jim, they're nice, man. And they're always there! Good luck with the search, though. I know it's tough-my brother's in the same boat.

    English, sorry, I haven't given it enough testing to make a recommendation. I'll definitely post when I do.


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