Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another Arrow in the Quiver

A pre-Christmas stone finally got some steel-time.

I got a lovely green Charnley Forrest hone, a classic British oilstone, from an acquaintance on the fair Isle of Mud, and though it took me a while I finally got around to testing it out.

I followed the same routine on four razors (including the previously posted Christmas razors): bevel setting through 12K finish on the Naniwa Super Stones. Then, after shave testing the 12K edge on each for two shaves, I gave them each 100 laps on the CF using light oil.

The results for each razor was not only a marked improvement in smoothness, but an edge that I would venture to call perfect. Lovely, lovely shaves, every bit the equal of the Japanese stone edges. I'm not sure if I would be able to incorporate this stone into my Japanese honing, but it certainly beats the heck out of the 12K Naniwa...and it's always nice to have options.


  1. The edges off the CF are excellent so good that one can skip CrOx IMO.

  2. Thanks for the comment!

    You know, I never use CrOx...never felt the desire to, at least since I learned to use my Japanese hones.


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