Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finally, A Reason To Hone

My razors FINALLY started to tug.

After a few months of only tinkering with my razors, I've finally reached the point where the majority of my rotation needs touching up. Which I decided to do with my Charnley Forrest.

I had 8 razors in need of help, 100 passes each with light oil and the edges were back in arm-hair slaughtering shape. The three razors I've shaved with were just lovely. I like that hone, I really do.

But the problem is, I still don't know how to work it in together with my Japanese hones, or even if I should. I have so far only used it as a finisher after my Naniwa Super Stones, for which it's extremely well suited. But with the Japanese hones, I'm guessing it's just a bit out of the way.

Who knows.

What I do know, though, is there are only two more stones on my "want to try" list. The Water of Ayr stone and the Turkey Oil Stone. I'll be postponing any search for them, though, tempting as it trip to Niigata grows closer and closer!

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