Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gonna Need a Little Help

So, in reference to our last post, I'm going to need a bit of a boost.

I've decided it's pretty important to me to get to Niigata to meet Iwasaki-shi, and the sooner the better. My wife agrees, given the warmth showedin the letters he sent, and given my unbridled excitement when I opened the package.

Luckily, I have some time at work I can use to go, but it all ut, of course, there's this tiny problem...it costs roughly as much to go across this little island as it does to fly halfway around the world (to be honest, right now tickets to New York are cheaper than tickets to Niigata...). Flying, Shinkansen, they're both outrageous. Plus, of course, when I go I'll be more than likely to buy something.

So, in order to fund this trip I need to raise some money. I'll be selling off some stuff, and I'll be trying out some new ideas that should be fun.

But anyway, I hope you'll bear with me while I things get a little commercial around here. And, if you'd like to help out, I'd ask my loyal readers to do me a favor: spread the word. When I post something for sale, if it's not something you yourself want to buy (or can buy) let someone else know.

And of course, anything that comes of this trip will be shared here for all to enjoy.


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