Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquake **UPDATE**

Now that things have gotten a little calmer, I just want to update.

We here in Yamaguchi are TOTALLY SAFE. Our friends and family are all accounted for, and there wasn't even a shake here, so please don't worry.

If you would like to do something for all the families who have lost so much, I would encourage you to give to the Red Cross.

Other than that, all we can do is hope that the worst is over, and give our support to those who are really in need of it.

Take care of each other.


  1. Thank goodness you're okay, Jim. Best wishes to you and your Japanese family and friends at this tragic hour.

  2. I wish you all to can get over this difficult moment.

  3. Hey Jimmy, this is Shawnette (Bendt) Bell, your cousin. I was worried about yall. My mom called your dad about 430pm our time on 3/11/11 & he hadnt heard from you yet. But I found this site here & read your comment. So my mom is calling your dad now & letting him know what you said cause he was worried. I am glad you & your family are ok.

  4. Everyone, thanks for your comments and your kind thoughts.


    Thanks for that. I don't even know how to contact dad any more.

  5. Glad to learn you're ok. Prayers for everyone in Japan.


  6. Jimmy, glad all is well. I hope the power plants don't give you any trouble. May be a good time to see the states for a while! lol
    Love, your brother

  7. Hi Jim good to hear that.

  8. Glad to hear you are doing well. God bless.


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