Monday, March 7, 2011

Pound for Pound...

The priciest stone I own.

I once had a nice big Escher, but it was just sitting there, unused. That's like having a pile of cash sitting on your shelf gathering dust, so I sold it off.

However, I was still a little curious about the whole Escher mystique, so when I saw a nice cheap "Vintage Thuringian" up for sale, 45 Euro +10 for shipping.

Here it is:

Not big, nope. 13x2.5x1.3cm. 110g. 45 Euro, that's about 5000 JPY. Now a Maruka Razor side runs about 30,000 JPY---and weighs in at 1 kilo. 13x8x2.5is the general size.

Yep, Eschers don't run cheap. And from everything I've seen, this stone is pretty much identical to the Escher I did have. Feel, smell, slurry color. I certainly don't doubt that it is every bit the equal of the Escher I had, if not Eschers in general. Now, just to be clear, if the seller's reading this (or if anyone else is, for that matter) please know I'm neither criticizing nor complaining. I bought it, it is what it is, and you know what?

It gives pretty good edges. I took a couple of German razors that were ready for a touch up, sat down watching some Deadwood DVDs and gave each razor 30 strokes per side (Small stone, more strokes). The shaves on both of them were just grand, smoothed out and sharper than they had been, for sure.

This stone was definitely worth it.

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