Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Never Too Late To Learn

I've been straight shaving pretty much daily for well over two years now, and I still surprise myself with the occasional breakthrough.

I've always had issues with my neck, especially the areas right to the left and right of my adam's apple. Under most shaving situations I've been unable to get a BBS shave there without pushing my skin to its limit, and that's not something I enjoy. Better a little stubble than bright red irritation.

But then the other day I tried something new without even thinking about it, and discovered just the right stroke. It's kind of a rotating scything stroke, from top to bottom. I typically use the "guillotine" stroke, moving down at an angle, but for some reason I'm still not sure of I ended up throwing in a circular move et voila! BBS with no irritation...and a repeatable experiment!

It's gratifying indeed to make these discoveries, especially as I had given up on those particular problem spots. At this point in my shaving career, I pay much more attention to the fringes, to the history and their physical representation, than to the actual shaving--but of course, the shaving is what it's about, right?

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