Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Look--What do you think?

I'm trying out some new things, mixing it up a little. Let me know what you think about it!

I'm going to have to reedit some of the old posts so that they fit the new jump-cut system, too, so you might notice some inconsistency for a while.

I'm still arranging some stuff, but in general I like the new design a bit. Let me know if you have any problems with readability or anything.


  1. I like the new design but sakura would be much more appropriate at the moment ;)

  2. Thanks for the comment!

    Definitely. I'm using Blogger's stock images, and they don't have any sakura. This was the best one they had, but I'm going to have to change it.

  3. 桜はかわいいです。

    But when it is used as background for text it makes the text hard to read.

    So I think it is better not to use a pictures as background.

    Jim, have a mercy to our eyes
    get rid of such a text background.

  4. I'm also having difficulty reading due to the background

  5. Sorry about that guys.

    Is this better?

  6. Now it is better, but it is far from perfect.

    Take a look at http://www.alistapart.com/ and articles on web design there. It is the best I have ever seen.

    If you decided to use some pictures as text background take something blurry with no sharp details.

  7. As for choosing appropriate color of background there are some articles:



    the current background is not optimal because of not enough contrast with text, the colour is close to orange (red and orange are to avoid) and it is too speckled.

  8. I think it is a little bit on the heavy side now. I liked the autumn leaves more.
    But just my opinion :)

  9. this one is better again

  10. the surface of a hone now?


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