Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Lovely Piece of Craftsmanship

If you haven't seen Phillip Dobson's work, you really are missing out.

Not too long ago, Phillip contacted me about some assistance in getting a Japanese finishing hone for use in his custom cutlery and razor making. Despite perhaps the worst timing in recent history (Phillip arrived in Tokyo just in time for the March 11th earthquake...), he came to Japan and I gave what assistance I could, eventually helping him acquire a lovely little stone from Hatenaka-san in Kyoto.

In the process, I learned that Phillip is a friendly, modest and very pleasant person.

However, it wasn't until later that I saw his website, and found that he is a very talented craftsman as well...his wood- and metal-working are really something to see, elegant and simple and deeply pleasing to the eye.

Then, oh then, a mysterious package showed up and look what I found inside!

In Phillip's own words, this is "just a simple affair of Bird's Eye Maple and Madagascar redwood." but I can't see any "just" about it. It's simple, yes, but fitted perfectly, down to the cushioned bottom, and finished with smoothness and curves that invite your hand. 

It's wonderful!

And, well, I have a bit of a secret...

I love boxes. I love them, perhaps, more than razors or stones. My wife contends, and I can't deny it, that one of the reasons I like razors so much because it gives me an excuse to buy boxes to put them in. In particular, I love wooden boxes, and my admiration of skilled craftsmanship is no secret. So this really is the perfect gift.

I can't thank him enough, really. And I urge any of you who are interested in gorgeous woodworking or handmade cutlery (including knives and razors) to check out his website. You won't be disappointed, I assure you.

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