Monday, September 29, 2008

Productive Product Reviews: Milk Brand Shaving cream

So, I found another brand of non-can shaving cream on the shelves. How was it?
Oh, don't you just want to know!

This is "Milk Brand Shaving Cream". Isn't it pretty?

Milk brand. I mean, wow. How wholesome is that? How clean, and healthy?
When I think milk, I think...Milkmaids, milky white skin, mother's milk...and this old Kahlua ad:

So it's GOT to be good, right?
So when I saw this stuff in my local supermarket, and a cursory examination of the label showed Aloe on the label, I thought Score!
I was right. Score one for THE DEVIL!!!!

When I got home, A deeper reading of the label showed a pretty picture of a cow.

See? Milky!
And then, looking at the ingredients...AW CRAP! Menthol!
Sigh. Well...I know what happened last time, but maybe that was a fluke, right?

Soooo, I put a bit in my cup, and started to lather. Nothing happened. I added water. Nothing happened. Some more water. Finally, I gave up. My brush was loaded with a thick, pasty white cream, but nothing that could be called lather. Wellllll...

I figured what the heck, and painted it on. It went on like greasepaint. Nothing creamy or luxurious about it at all.

And then the burn kicked in.

The milk did nothing. THE MILK DID NOTHING!!!!

Poop on a stick. I hadn't even set blade to face and my shave was ruined for the day.

Verdict? *Sigh* Back to the barber stuff.


  1. I see you posted this 'review' to a couple of the shaving forums. That's a shame because it's not a very fair review of the product. All the review tells me is
    + You are sensitive to menthol
    + You don't know how to use a brushless cream

  2. Well, all a review can do is explain my experience of a product.
    As for a brushless cream, I'm well aware of how to do use them. I did try this by hand and had the same results. And there are many brushless creams that work fine with a brush.
    And as I'm not a professional reviewer, fair really isn't an issue, is it?
    Thanks for the comment, though.


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