Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shopping Spree!

So, I may not have mentioned the problems I have had getting shaving goods here in Japan. I did? Oh, sorry.
Well, it turns out I was wrong. Not only is a full shaving kit readily available in Japan, but it's also cheap as all get out.

How can this be? It's all at DAISO!!!!

I went to Daiso, the Japanese version of an "everything's a dollar" store to pick up a mug, and as I was wandering around I spotted a men's grooming aisle. I took a curious look, and HIT THE MOTHERLODE!

First, the essential DE safety razor:

It's an all plastic job, with a long handle and a two piece head. Lovely, isn't it? Unbelievable at 105 yen!

And, the beauty is, it's a brand name!

That's right, it's a Dorco!
It also comes with two blades, which isn't a lot, but not to worry, right next to it are the refills!

(Dorco as well).

Well, that's the razor. Of course, we need a brush.
And we got one!

A genuine Chinese synthetic shaving brush. Score!

So, the total kit, including a huge cream/soap mug:

(they had cream, but it was all mentholated. Not going down that road again.)

How much? 420 yen. Less than a tall mocha at Starbucks.
And infinitely less healthy.

The blades will be used, and maybe the brush, but that razor ain't coming near my face. Not for you, not for science, not for anybody.
Nuh. Uh.

But not bad for couch money, eh?


  1. Nice blog. I found it from your sig at B&B.

    You might try that Dorco DE razor. A number of guys like them.

  2. Thanks. I might do that...As soon as I get more confidence in my skills.
    Thansk for the comment!

  3. Spiffity! I wish the dollar stores here stateside carried that sort of thing!


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