Thursday, October 30, 2008

Accidental Smooth

So....I got a BBS shave today, and I didn't even realize it till later.

This morning, I did my usual shave routine.

Hot shower, a bit of my wife's moisturizing hair treatment to soften up my beard, and the shave. I had a 2nd shave Redpack Israeli Personna in my Tech, and I lathered up with my MWF (I've been picking it up and using it like a shave stick--makes it much easier to get the right amount of soap for the lather) and did my usual 3 pass, WTG ATG ATG shave. Afterwards, thinking about the dry weather lately, I used my remaining lather as a face wash, and skipped the Alum. The Eroika burned a buit more than usual--the lack of alum?--but my face felt great, smooth and moisturized.

Then, when I got to work, I put my chin in my hands and realized...This is the best shave I've ever had. I can't figure out why...maybe my Lather was a bit more hydrated? My technique a touch better? Dunno, but I keep feeling my face and I LIKE IT.

On another note...I really like those redpack personnas. I might have found my blades...we'll see when i get my blades from Giovanni at Razor and Brush.

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