Friday, October 31, 2008

The First Sign of Addiction

I got a puck of Tabac in the mail last night.

This stuff gets tons of love on the shaving forums, so when I saw it for sale with free shipping, I had to get a puck. I thinks it's a law somewhere. However, when I got it last night, I looked at it a bit, sniffed it, thought "Man, that's a nice looking box, it sure smells nice," and promptly put it in a drawer and forgot about it.

I'm a Mitchell's Wool Fat man...I might have a problem.

Especially if my wife figures out how much soap I have, and how little I use.
And there's still more in the mail! Damn!


  1. I really need to order a puck of MWF. I've yet to read anything less than stellar about it.

  2. Please do it. Your face will thank you. You can get great shaves with lots of products, but MWF really helps condition and moisturize your skin. I can literally feel the difference all day.

    Some people have trouble getting good lather. All I can say is, this was the first soap I tried and I found the right ration quickly. Be sure to face lather, and make sure your brush isn't dripping wet when you first load up.


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