Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Steps

Well, I'm getting into this whole Straight thing. Slowly, but steadily, I am becoming a straight shaver...

My first couple of tries resulted in serious razor burn and not a few nicks. Enough irritation to really make me nervous about the whole thing. But with some help and advice from the good folks at Straight Razor Place, I was able to get a much better pass last night. Enough to buck me up and keep me trying, at least.

The strangest result of this experience, however, is my wife's reaction. At first I thought my wife was slightly amused by the whole thing, even occasionally irritated (she has mentioned the money a couple of times--but her own purchases far outweigh mine, so...) but last night she utterly floored me.

We were in the bath (it's a Japanese thing, ok?) talking about furniture. We're moving soon, and of course it's the time to restyle. I was thinking of putting my stuff in a cabinet near the bathrooom and suddenly, my wife says "We should get a display case, something glass fronted to put your shave stuff in. We can put it in the living room where guests can see. You can hang your strops there and tell people about it!"

Amazing. I was taken utterly by surpsrise--she wants to display my shaving stuff! She wants to see it, and know about it and talk about it! Amazing!

Man, talk about a keeper!


  1. LOL, nice catch.

    Have you seen the youtube video from "willypeter99" ? This fella does one heck of quick shave with a straight

  2. Hey Aleks, yeah, I'm WAY lucky here.

    I searched for that vid, couldn't find it...

  3. Here's the link

    Saw that you're expecting some JM Fraser's. One of the few creams I can get away with out any aftershave. Maybe it's the urea in it?

  4. Mmmm....Urea.

    I got the Fraser's, and it's awesome! Love love love it.

    I did see that video, actually--I think that guy's a member of SRP. Something else....


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