Monday, January 19, 2009


It's time to cut down. I've been in a frenzy, trying all kinds of products...and I think it's time to settle down.

I've found the razor I want (except when it comes to straights, but I've got that in hand...) and the blades. My Futur is about as good as it gets. I can't imagine anything better, really--I love the design, the results and the feel. So there goes the RAD as far as DEs go...

The blades I've been using, Gillette 7 O'Clocks (PermaSharps and Shar Edges) are darn near perfect; the Swedes I get are good, and the Gillette Super Bleues are great--so that's settled. No need to test any more...I'm comfy with them.

The brush? Omega boar and boar/badger, and Kim Son Horn Handle Silvertip? Enough for any man. The badger/horn aesthetic satisifes any luxury taste, and as far as results go the Omega can't be beat.

My AS needs are MORE than filled, between Nivea Extra Sensitive AS Balm and TSD Aftershave milk...

So that leaves soaps and creams. Soaps, I think, are decided: MWF, Valobra Stick, VDH Deluxe and Erasmic Stick. Cella, I guess, is a soap. I don't need any more than that. The other soaps I 've tried have all been disappointing in one way or anther, so I'm not really looking any more. Creams, however....

Hmmm. The Body Shop cream is aces...I like the TOBs Rose, though I can't use it too much--the scent is STRONG. So I think...I think it's time to look at some creams. Maybe some good English creams...Oh,and there are those Indian ones, as well. And I guess I could use some Castle Forbes...What about the small vendors? Mama Bear, and Saint Charles Shave and Connaught shaving...

Hmmm.... What was that? Cutting down? Who, me?


  1. PHEW!! Thought for a minute there you were quitting this insane addiction! :o)

  2. Congrats on your ?supposed? streamlining. I've decided to cut back as well. (thanks in part to you!) Cut back may not be accurate, however. I've merely decided to start "going steady" with one soap, brush, AS, and etc. for a while. It's my wet-behind-the-ears way of achieving a standard technique that I'll eventually branch out from.

    Again, thanks for the brush! I can't judge just exactly how nuch my shave has improved with the brush alone (i also used a new lathering technique and changed the angle of my XTG the same day), but I love the darn thing.

  3. Your next cream should JM Frasers. I didn't notice that in your list and it's an excellent one.

  4. Quitting? NEVER! You'll get my futur when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands!

    Kodou, I'm glad to hear it! Enjoy the brush, and good luck with your fidelity. What soap are you sticking with?

    James, I've got a tub on the way! I hope it goes well...I like the sound of that new scent.

  5. A couple of months ago, I too settled on my kit. The exploration was a lot of fun in the beginning, but after a while I just wanted to shave. I'll occasionally check out a new soap or blade, but there's no rush.

  6. Hey Lou, thanks for reading. I'm still enjoying the soaps and creams exploration, but it's good to get the hardware settled. Easier on the pocketbook, too...that SBAD is poison for the old bank account!

  7. I'm using VDH. I don't have to tell you about the price/value, and I enjoy the light scent. I have no complaints about it really. Plus, I feel like the IK and Nivea are too nice for me to be wasting them with bad technique.
    I'll make a trip home next month, so I may acquire one or two things then but nothing that would affect my current "monogamous" relationship.


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