Friday, February 13, 2009

An Open Apology

Ok. I have to do it. I have to say it.
I'm Sorry, Truefitt and Hill. I'm Very, Very Sorry.

A little while back I totally mooched graciously requested some samples of T&H 1805 shaving cream from Mantic59, the Godfather of Wetshaving on the Internets. They got here, and I tried one shave and yeah, ok, I got a good shave and the scent was great, but I found myself reaching for other products instead of this one again. But then Mark asked me to talk about it, and I figured I should give it one more try, and so this morning I did.

Now, I was kind of a loser and slacked off this morning, spending all my time watching The Daily Show downloads and skyping with my mate instead of getting ready for work, so time ended up shorter than usual. I went ahead and decided to try the cream (unfairly--any product for review deserves more attention) and dove into my shave. I hurried and took shortcuts and didn't really give my shave the love it deserves, and I should be in pain as a result. But I'm not. I got a magnificent shave--smooth, comfortable, and easy. I can't believe it, actually. I was racing through it, shaving over places that hadn't been relathered and not paying attention to my angle or pressure.

I can only assume that the T&H was there, looking out for me. Shaking its head in rueful understanding and taking the hits intended for my poor, ignorant face...So, thank you T&H, and I'm sorry. I should have taken you more seriously.

I won't do it again.

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