Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Eternal Struggle

Mankind's endless journey toward the perfect shave continues, played out in miniature upon my face.

I started this thing, for what reason I can no longer recall. But it has become, for me, a kind of marathon--pushing myself to new heights to see just how close, with just how little pain and blood, I can shave myself. In that pursuit I have spent more money than I can recall, and tried more blades, soaps, creams and after shave products than I can recall--all in the space of a few months.

And what are the results? Just when I can achieve near perfect results with decent consistency, just when I've found the combinations that work for me--I change directions.

I have been getting fantastic shaves from my Futur using Gillette 7 O'Clock yellows and Indian greens. For lather, I am perfectly happy using what I have, and my brush is just what I have been looking for. I can get a fast, smooth shave pretty much any time I want, now. I still get the occasional nick or bit of irritation on my more tender neck bits, but overall I have achieved what I would call a satisfactory shaving level. So what do I do? Rest on my laurels and enjoy my shaves, or continue to polish up my skills so that I can get that last final bit of perfection? Of course not.

I start on straight razors--a whole new area of skills, new motions and new equipment. And I go back to the beginning of my shaves--uncomfortable, rough, bloody shaves. Why? WHY????

The question that has started to haunt my nights is, what next? When I start to get satisfied with my straight shaving, what new lows will I reach to continue this madness?

Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...

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