Friday, February 20, 2009

A Week of Knives/Poetic License

I've set a challenge for myself.

Starting yesterday, I will be doing only straight shaves, and no DE will touch my face until March. Maybe. If I can take it.

Why such madness, do you ask? Because I'm tired of half-assing it. Time to get my head in the game, buck up, take it like a man and all kinds of other meaningless manly phrases. Also, I'm getting better, and I can actually shave myself without ending up looking like a burn patient at the ICU. So, yeah, you'll be seeing a lot of the old Wapi on the Shave of the Day for a while, at least until my Tosuke is in tip top shape.

In an odd turn of events, a kangaroo hide strop review on Straight Razor Place turned into a limerick showdown. In a fit of misplaced inspiration, I turned out these beauties, which tickle me no end:

There once was a big roo from Sydney,
that gave me a punch in the kidney.
I turned for a smack,
but with those eyes looking back...
We marry next weekend on Sunday.


My friend Jimbo made me a strop,
my wife used it to give me a whop.
It drove me insane,
but not from the pain...
I just didn't want her to stop!

And then things got hectic. The competition was heating up, so I let loose with both barrels:

All this rhyming based on a strop
Makes me so angry I just want to hop.
You guys are so great,
it's stirring up hate...
I've got to go drink up some Schnapps.

But then I realize just where I am,
In a far-off land known as Japan.
I've got to come back
And prove I'm no hack
And write all the Haikus I can...

Jimbo's fine roo strop
thin black leather smoothing steel
my face rejoices

blade sings on black hide
roughness flees like wounded foes
whiskers soon the same

Oh yeah! Limerick transitioning to haiku!

Man, sometimes I enjoy myself way too much!

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