Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sick...and a Question.

So, I spent 4 hours with an IV in my arm yesterday at the doctor's office because I have "a virus infection that is interfering with my brain's signals to my body" causing random dizzy spells, weakness and dehydration. Happy shaving? Not so much.

So I have been on a bit of a slump this week, irritable, sick and refusing to do what I should do (i.e. Prepare for my upcoming rounds of tests and reports at work, and blog.) Sorry about that, but hey, these things happen. At least I'm still upright.

However, despite my illness, I would like to pose a question:
I just got a tub of J.M. Fraser's "Oriental Spice" shaving cream. I haven't had a chance to try it, but if it performs anything like the original scent, I'm happy. And when I smelled this stuff, it was an amazing, nostalgic scent. I kept wanting to eat it, and it put me in mind of my Grandma's house at Christmas. The thing is, I can't for the life of me place the scent. Is it ginger? Cinnamon? Nutmeg? What?
So, if you read this, and you have tried J.M. Fraser's Oriental Spice, help a blogger out. What the heck is that scent?

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