Sunday, April 19, 2009

No Habla Espanol...

But man, do I like their cream!

On the recommendation of several fine folks at the Shave Den forums, I got a tube of La Toja Sensitive shave cream from Leon at Vintage Scents.

This cream is getting some very good reviews, but the clincher was when one person said "If MWF made a cream, this would be it." That's magic words. So I ordered up a tube, and for less than the cost of a movie got a GINORMOUS tube of fantastic cream.

La Toja comes in a 150mL metal tube--that's as much as a TUB of the premium English creams, and that's two tubes of TOBS...not too shabby. I also like the quality of the packaging. Call me picky, but if I'm buying a "luxury" product, I would like the cap of the tube to last more than one closing (Taylor's, I'm looking at you!).

But much more than the mere looks of the thing, it's what's on the inside that counts (eh? EH? Clever that, Eh?). What's inside this tube is pure shaving pleasure...

La Toja Sensitive has a very subtle scent, as it should, but that scent is what I'm coming to call the "European Tubed Cream Scent". It's the vaguely masculine cologne scent of WARS, Florena, et. al. But it's pretty subdued, so scent isn't really a big factor. The texture is soft and smooth, like most of the other tubed creams--not a thick paste like some (TBS, for example). The lather, however, is something else.

This cream is smooth. It is protective. It's down right MOTHERING in it's care...seriously, my skin is so happy with this cream it is practically begging me to keep using it. It lathers up easily, not being too picky about water content, and it lasts for a good three and a half passes. It offers fantastic skin care, with great cushion and decent slickness for you straight shavers. Really, this stuff is Immaculate. I'm already ordering another tube, with a tube of the regular version just to be safe (it was recommended for more humid weather, as it's less moisturizing than the sensitive...apparently.). I've used it for about 5 straight shaves, including some that were rushed and careless, and I have had some of the most comfortable shaves I can remember. No burn, no irritation, NO NICKS AT ALL. Honestly, I should have had a miserable face this week, but it was all good.

Seriously, Fantastic.

Get it.


  1. I recommend the La Toja shave stick, as well. I actually think it's better than the cream, and less expensive. Not sure why they aren't talked about more often on the various fora.

    If you like the scent in this line, look for some "Magno" La Toja facial soap. It's rather famous for being jet black, although it lathers white.

  2. Thanks for reading, Lanolite!

    You know, I KNEW I was forgetting something when I ordered my La Toja cream...The STICK! I'd heard about it before but it totally slipped my mind when I was on Leon's site.

    Next time, for sure. And I'll keep a look out for the soap, too. Always up for trying new things!


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