Thursday, April 23, 2009

That Magic Moment...

I've just been loving my shaves lately. Just..LOVING them. I don't want to stop.

I don't know if it's some mystical alignment of stars, or the magic of spring, or what, but the combination of La Toja sensitive and my new Genco "Fluid Steel" straight (pictured above) has been giving me superlative shaves for the last few days. I can't understand it...but I am getting utterly bloodless, comfortable, smooth two-pass shaves in a matter of minutes. I'm almost scared to try anything else for fear of breaking the magic!

There are a lot of people on SRP who say that American razors don't get nearly enough respect--and indeed, Solingen, Germany and Sheffield, England are the two main players in the razor-steel game. But the people who DO use American blades (of which Genco is but one example) swear that they are some of the best steel around...and my experience certainly can't repudiate that.

I have 4 razors, all honed by the same man, and three of those are very VERY similar in size and grind. Of these 4 razors, the Genco is BY FAR the best shaver. In fact it is the best razor I've shaved with. Granted, that's not saying much, but still...I'm in love.

I think I want to go steady!

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