Sunday, May 31, 2009

Holding Pattern

It's been a quiet week on the shaving front...Sorry about that.

Not a whole lot to report...I've been working on cleaning up the Kawaguchi collection--and cleaning is all it really is, some minimal rust around the hinge pins and a few years' worth of cobwebs in the scales is really the only thing to take care of. A spit and polish so to speak. When I'm finished, I'll post some pics and perhaps some details, if I can dig them up.

I'm also restoring a lovely old Torrey straight which has finally made its way from Kansas to my hot little's gonna be a beauty when I get done with her, indeed.

I'm planning to work on some honing as well, but's just been kind of a work week around here. My shaves have been good, reliable ones--some tests of the Kawaguchi razors (good, but not great edges...) and some getting reacquainted with neglected friends (Cella, Valobra, Tabac...)--but nothing worth mentioning, I'm sorry to say.

In the next week, however, I've got some new things I'm hoping to share with you, and a big project that I'm excited about...I hope you'll stick around, and I'm sorry it's been kind of dull for the last few days.

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