Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rasage Polonaise...

My last few shaves have leaned heavily toward Polish products, and I'm fairly well pleased...

If you've paid any attention to my daily shaves, you might have noticed I've been using my Wapienica straight and Brutal Shave Cream for the last few days. Both are Polish products, and both are quite good.

The Wapi is a sweet, smooth shaver and I've grow really fond of it. The stainless scales, while heavy, are durable and the blade has a very nice line. The steel is, apparently, quite good...the edge it's taken, and kept, is perhaps my best...smooth smooth smooth. But the real aim today is the cream...anything but Brutal!

The name tickles me far more than it should, I know, but I make no apologies. I mean, come on...it's called BRUTAL!!!

But enough of that. The cream is quite nice actually. It's smooth and light, and very gentle on the face. The lather it makes is admirable--it reaches a very nice consistency easily, with great lubrication and a decent level of cushion. It has great beard softening qualities--my normal routine works very nicely with this one, and offers up a better shave than many creams I've tried.

The scent is quite good. It's strongly reminiscent of Tabac--which, as you might have heard, is the German take of the Shulton Old Spice. So, in a roundabout way, Brutal is a good take on Old Spice--and that's certainly good enough for me!

After the shave, my face feels fresh and well cared for. There's no hint of tightness I associate with a drying cream, nor any of the irritation from too strong a one. All in all, a pleasure to use and well worth tracking down--it's cheap, too. Look for it on Ebay, and you won't be disappointed...

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