Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Honing Diaries...

I've been making some headway with the hones, and I'm trying some experimentation...and I think it'd probably be a good idea to keep track of what's going down.

So it starts with a Double Arrow I've had for a while...I modded it, grinding off the shoulders and making the tip a bit more interesting, then I rescaled it and honed it up.

In the modification I breadknifed out part of the smile. To hone it up, I used a hybrid honing method--starting with Glen's guide to honing a damage blade. I set the bevel on a 400/1K diamond plate I had laying around, then moved to Bart's "Single Coticule method." I used the coti to refine the bevel and smooth the edge, and finished on a Shapton Pro 12k hone, gave it a few passes on CrOx pasted strop, and shaved. It was a good shave--not fantastic, but decent. It was quite encouraging. A little more stropping and refinement on the paste and I got a good shaving edge! So, there's razor one.

Razor two is a little Torrey I got off eBay. It was ugly. UGLY.

I cleaned it up, polished it, repinned it and got this:

So I went to the hones. This time, I went for a different route. Once again, I started with Glen's method...set the bevel on the diamond plate, refined the edge on a 4k King hone, and smoothed it out on 8k lapping film. Once again, I finished on the 12k Shapton and CrOx paste. The test shave was good, and the full shave I got this morning was GREAT. Some real success on this one. It feels good, indeed.

The last razor is this Japanese made spike point. This one was tough to clean up, but I rescaled it and got it looking ok.

For the honing, I went to Bart's "Simple Method for Honing..." Once again, set the bevel on the diamond plate, then I refined with the BBW and Coticule. My standard 12k and paste finish and off to the test shave.
The test shave on this one was good, but I found some dull points on the blade. It was a good shave, but not super good...going form 0, however, I'm not disappointed.

All in all, I feel like I'm making some real progress with my honing. I'm enjoying it, too...which, of course, is waht it's all about.

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