Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Line Up

There are a couple of new things I've got hold of that I'm really excited about.

The addition to my ever expanding cream and soap collection might not be that noteworthy, but some of the things I've just got in are so cool, it makes me tingle...you know, like when you climb the rope in gym class!

First up is this blue stick.

Wilkinson sword, perhaps best known to wetshavers as producers of once-great, now middle-of-the-road DE blades, produces this shave stick on The Continent. I found it listed by a Polish seller on eBay for chump change so I ordered a couple. I've used it a couple of times, and it really is nice--full review coming, of course. The thing I REALLY like, though, is this:

See that? It's a tallow based hard soap, with glycerin and lanolin for skin care. In a stick that costs less than a latte at Starbucks--including shipping from Poland! Now THAT'S what I like to see. Budget price, snobby quality. And did I mention that it's blue?

Cause it is.

Then, from that same seller, is this cream:

Yep. I don't think there's anything I need to say. Cause if I did, that cream there might just beat me to death.

I enjoy myself way too much sometimes...

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