Monday, May 11, 2009

Say Hello to Betty

L'Ultima Setola has a new ladyfriend!

I have a thing for "custom" stuff. The idea of having something one-of-a-kind makes me really, REALLY excited, and the best way to express this has been, for me, in brushes. So when I saw member Del1r1um on Straight Razor Place posting pictures of his gorgeous hand carved, non-lathe-turned brush handles, I figured I wanted one, and he very very generously agreed to make me one.

Of course, being a boar man, I went the way of the pig and sent him the knot out of an Omega 48 and told him "I like to face lather, I like hourglass shapes, and I don't use brush stands. What can you do?"

This is what he did:

Betty is her name, Betty the Beautiful Boar. She's got quite a figure on her, as you can tell...

She's solid...and she's beautiful, and she's one of a kind.

In all seriousness, this is one hell of a brush. Solid claro walnut hand carved and finished from a single piece of FANTASTIC's a work of art, is what it is. Of course, it lathers like a dream with that Omega head, and the handle is ergonomically gorgeous. It fits the hand in unusual, but really great, ways...what a beauty.

Thanks, Del1r1um!


  1. What is the advantage (if any) of being carved instead of turned? Don't know if I'll ever follow through, but I've played with getting a custom brush with a handle shaped like an erlenmyer flask.

  2. Hey ChemE,
    It's not so much an advantage as something's not common that people hand care things like this anymore. The idea that it is all hand done, no machinery involved (except the drill for the knot hole...) is rather...romantic, don't you think?

    Plus, I like the asymmetry of it, which is pretty difficult to get on a lathe.

    An Erlenmeyer flask shape might make a pretty good brush handle, though the neck might have to be a little wide for the should give it a try! Nothing like bespoke work to make you feel like a real posh bloke!


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